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Turn Back Time With a Facelift

Turn Back Time With a Facelift

You can’t literally turn back the clock, but a facelift sure can help you look like you once did! This popular surgical procedure smooths wrinkles and creases, tightens sagging skin, and enhances overall tone. As a result, you look 10-15 years younger than you actually are, and the results last equally long. 

At our practice, The Aesthetic Surgery Center in New York City, Elliott H. Rose, MD, uses the latest technological advances to perform cosmetic facial surgeries, including facelifts, that leave you looking naturally more youthful -- not operated on

Here’s what you can expect with a facelift.

A comprehensive youthful look

While dermal fillers, like Juvederm®, and neuromodulators, such as Botox®, can do wonders in smoothing wrinkles and filling in hollow contours, they cannot give you the comprehensive, long-lasting effects of a facelift. 

During a facelift, Dr. Rose trims away loose skin, tightens underlying muscles, and restores your youthful facial structures.

As a result, you notice a smoothing of:

Dr. Rose uses his surgical expertise and artful eye to restore your facial structure to a more youthful state. He pulls the brows, temples, jawline, neck, and cheeks in a reverse direction of gravity. 

As a result, he restores higher cheekbones, flattens cheek jowls, and sculpts the neck and jaw area. The results are natural looking, as your face’s aging process is literally “reset.”

Enhance your look further

A facelift mainly addresses the mid and lower face. It doesn’t fix drooping eyebrows, forehead wrinkles, under-eye bags, or sagging upper eyelids. Dr. Rose may recommend procedures like a brow lift and eyelid surgery along with a facelift to address these concerns and create a completely rejuvenated look. 

And, if you’re not quite ready for surgical procedure, he can offer artful application of fat injections, Botox, and fillers to fill in and smooth out lines around your lips, across your forehead, and along your nose.

Some people prefer a mini facelift, which focuses more on the face and jowls and less on the neck. A mini facelift can be a good choice for younger patients with less severe sagging or as a touch-up if you’ve already had a facelift. 

The process of getting a facelift

You should be in generally good health, be a nonsmoker, and have realistic expectations about your results. Facelift techniques vary according to the focus of the procedure, but in general, Dr. Rose makes an incision at the hairline by the temples that extends around the ear and then behind the ear lobe. The incision generally ends in the lower scalp at your hairline.

He lifts the skin to sculpt or remove underlying fat, reposition muscle, and trim excess tissue. The skin is redraped and incisions closed in a discreet place to prevent any obvious scarring. 

If you’re considering a facelift, seek out a provider you can trust. Dr. Rose welcomes patients from anywhere in the world. Contact our New York City office by phone to schedule a consultation or use the online tool to book. 

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